2 thoughts on “Lancaster, PA Twitterati – New Reference Page

  1. Do I detect a snide comment about Fertility, Bird-In-Hand, Halfville, Hempfield – or wondering if there’s a “Main Town” in the middle of “Willow Street”?

    Are you ready to make a nasty remark about Oyster Point and Safe Harbor being part of what was once the largest INLAND city in the British Empire?

    Do I sense a joke coming on about Limerick being here, but Nantucket gets all the great Limericks written about it?

    Will you be commenting on the distance from Puseyville to Fertility and wondering if Paradise is involved somehow, or if they should be closer to Sporting Hill?

    I should have known that if I opened a bank account with Blue Ball, I’d be in for a frustrating time. Now, I have to look for the GREEN signs, and online, I have to remember how to spell Susquehanna….

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