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Lancaster County, PA Twitter Users
Who’s on the list
Everyone listed here lives in (or very near) Lancaster County and likes to talk about what’s going on in Lancaster. On the whole, we are a coffee- and beer-loving crowd that can be easily coaxed into spontaneous tweetups. If you’re from out of town and need a recommendation on what to do or where to go, these are good people to ask. (The people at the PA Dutch Visitors Bureau are helpful, too.) We’re also useful if you’re bored, or want to know what the weather’s like, or if you’d like to keep up with what’s going on in Lancaster when you’re away.
Please consider joining the Lancaster, PA Tweetups group on Facebook. If you wish to be added to this list, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.
Lancaster Twitterati
NEW! Added October 18, 2009:
mikewolfe (Mike Wolfe) Lives: East Petersburg. Freelance Web design, development and programming.
gleness (Glen Stoltz) Lives: East Lancaster. New Yorker temporarily living in Lancaster, writer, investor in energy savings technology startup
matthewralph (Matthew Ralph) Lives: Lancaster City. Writer/blogger/communications specialist. New to Lancaster. Love walking, reading, cooking and baseball.
caroldeckert (Carol Deckert) Lives: Lancaster. Networking Coach and owner/founder of RUNLancaster, a set of networking/netweaving groups which meet weekly.
PickleBar (Jessica Comp) Location: Downtown Lancaster city. The bar at Isaac’s Downtown, set in the heart of the city, supporter of other local goings-on, trying to make a small difference and be plugged in.
mktgbyDM (Diane Meyer) Lives: Hempfield Township. Business owner, marketing consultant specializing in branding efforts through promotional products and print media.
pcad_edu (Mary Stadden) Location: Downtown Lancaster city. Pennsylvania College of Art & Design is a central PA professional art college that offers BFA degrees in graphic design, illustration, fine arts, and photography.
kiwimarketing (Kae Kohl & Bede Fahey) Location: Lancaster city. A half-American/half-Kiwi SEO, web marketing and social media consulting group, teach classes on these subjects at Lancaster libraries and HACC.
edgarallenstoe (Scott Parmer) Lives: Mountville. Local homegrown musician currently performing acoustic and vocal shows around Lancaster County. Production Engineer at Nxtbook Media.
bencraddock (Ben Craddock) Lives: Leola. “A civil engineer who likes people—go figure!”
cjdarlington (C.J. Darlington) Lives: Lititz. Debut novel, Thicker Than Blood, due out January 2010 from Tyndale House. Co-founder of the Christian entertainment site and homeschooled through grades 1–12.
LancCentMarket (Michael Ervin) Location: Downtown Lancaster City. Official account of Lancaster Central Market, the oldest continuously-operating farmers market in the U.S.
[updated:] MAC_CMT (Mary Cowley) Lives: Leola. Eclectic, music-loving single mom and certified medical transcriptionist transplanted four years ago from Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
goLancasterPA (Sarah Long) Location: Downtown Lancaster city. Official account of the Pennsylvania Dutch Convention & Visitors Bureau, which has two visitors centers—one off the Greenfield exit of Route 30, and one on the square in Lancaster city.
dbmoulton (David Moulton) Lives: New Holland. Software support for Stauffers of Kissel Hill. Co-host of local The Lancast podcast.
LancasterHomes (Jeff Geoghan) Lives: East Petersburg. Real estate agent and founder of
If you’re looking for a home in Lancaster, consider Kingsway Realty.
wtek (Wendy Edsall-Kerwin) Lives: Elizabethtown. Jewelry/metal artist.
thebestjeremy (Jeremy Bentley) Lives: Lancaster city. Graphic designer and music recording engineer.
jlmosebach (Justin Mosebach) Lives: Lancaster. Director of SEO at Improve & Grow.
Chorazin (Seth Dodson) Lives: Akron. Webmaster, podcast host, and writer for Geeks of Unusual Size. A huge geek, into video games, comics, anime, manga, and other nerdy things.
ionrae (Ryan Mast) Lives: Millersville. Videographer and graphic designer.
JoelTweets (Joel Walker) Lives: Lancaster. Customer relationship guy for AMQ Software.
TRezendes (Timothy Rezendes) Lives: Downtown Lancaster city. Pharmacy technician and Lancaster Central Market guru.
ethanD (Ethan Demme) Lives: Leola. Founder of Keystone Conservative and COO for Math-U-See, which develops homeschool mathematics curricula.
berutt (Bryan Rutt) Lives: Lancaster Township. Marketer, blogger, fan of music and baseball.
WiseGrass (Paul Stoltzfus) Lives: Bird-in-Hand. Makes grass grow.
20orsomething (Susan Pogorzelski) Lives: Lancaster suburbs. Creative writer.
BodyworksPA (Barbara Searles) Lives: Rohrerstown. Owner of Bodyworks Therapeutic Massage.
odonnellsteve (Steve O’Donnell) Lives: Lancaster Township. Patent attorney.
AdamChlan (Adam Chlan) Lives: downtown Lancaster city. Web designer.
icelander (Paul Rothrock) Lives: downtown Lancaster city. PHP developer.
HIRH (Hillary Rothrock) Lives: downtown Lancaster city. Mental health counselor.
chuckholt (Chuck Holt) Lives: Lancaster. Executive director of The Factory Youth Center in Paradise. Married, with five children. Interested in culture, particularly as it relates to Macs, teens, the Steelers, and/or coffee.
Poservarial (Chad Hamilton) Lives: Manheim Township. Graphic student at the Art Institute of York.
Zoidland (Jeff Burkholder) Lives: Lititz. His comic strip often references Central PA ideas and food.
jacksvalentine (Nean Burkholder) Lives: Lititz. Writer and a stay-at-home mom.
quixado (Josh Babetski) Lives: Mountville. Evangelist for MapQuest.
maxtana (Max Phillips) Lives: Mount Joy. Partner at Not Bad Design.
annekirby (Anne Kirby) Lives: Lancaster city. Founder of the Creative House of Lancaster.
msmonogram (Becky Wise Garvey) Lives: Lancaster suburbs. Conversationalist extraordinaire and the fabulous director of fun at the New Holland Recreation Center.
lydbru (Lydia Brubaker) Lives: downtown Lancaster city. Theater person and barista.
c_visual & unveilpatterns (Christine Minnich) Lives: Lancaster city. Graphic designer for Math-U-See and blogger.
penti (Matthew Harrington) Lives: Lancaster suburbs. Leads product development at Nxtbook Media.
EndureOnline (Chad McComsey) Lives: Lancaster suburbs. Founder of Endure Graphic Web Design.
jonathanbentz (Jonathan Bentz) Lives: Marietta. Works for SEO firm ProspectMX. Fantasy sports fanatic.
wordcooper (Eric Cooper) Lives: Manheim Township. Works in Bird-in-Hand. IT/Web and writing.
PattiSpencer (Patti Spencer) Practices law in Lancaster, focusing on trusts, estates and fiduciary litigation.
cinexcellence (Joseph Demme) Lives: Lancaster. Video editor and student of film.
BBBellezza (Kimberlie Burkhart) Lives: Lancaster. Jewelry artist, with a stand at Building Character’s Arts Market and a shop on Etsy. By day, a paralegal.
BethCardwell (Beth Cardwell) Lives: Lancaster suburbs. Portrait and wedding photographer.
DrawingBlanks (Dan McEwen) Lives: Lancaster. Young artists, focus on pen and ink.
shanellelee (Shanelle Lee) Lives: Ephrata. Part of the Nxtbook Media team, and proprietor of Bliss On Broad.
easyEZ (Elam Zook) Lives: Lancaster suburbs. Raised Old Order Amish, but today he’s on Twitter (enough said). Writes a blog on the relationship between the Amish and the non-Amish culture.
RobinBurgoon (Robin Burgoon) Lives: Lancaster suburbs (Neffsville/Manheim Township). Stay-at-home mom, work-from-home online SAP trainer, tech writer.
mbigg (Michael Biggerstaff) Lives: Lancaster. Owner/CEO at Nxtbook Media.
esposimi (Mike Esposito) Lives: Lititz. Avid Max OSX user and former resident of Queens, NY.
unclechet (Chester Zink) Lives: west end Lancaster city. Gamer geek and general nerd. Into cooking, good food, and reading restaurant review sites.
jeffrumm (Jeff Rumm) Lives: downtown Lancaster city. Co-founder of Good Productions.
dynamyk444 (Mike Miller) Lives: Lititz. Lancaster cable guy.
RyanShenHoover (Ryan Shen-Hoover) Lives: Lancaster suburbs. Expert on African stock markets.
U_StickitGrpx (Chad Diller) Lives: West Hempfield Township. Owner of U-Stickit Graphics, which specializes in vinyl graphics for signs, vehicles, and interior wall decor.
christophervogt (Chris Vogt) Lives: Landisville. Personal and commericial insurance agent at Baron Insurance Group.
bev562008 (Bev Newton) Lives: Neffsville. Retired military. Sometime movie extra.
beckami (Ami Becker) Lives: East Petersburg. Wife. Mother. Owner of Shiba Inus.
marcusgrimm (Marcus Grimm) Lives: East Hempfield. Marketing director at Nxtbook Media, whose offices are at Urban Place in Lancaster City.
fancyshoe (Brent Hughes) Lives: Oxford, works: downtown Lancaster city. Flash/graphic designer with Nxtbook Media.
captainval (Valerie Miller) Lives: York, works: Lancaster suburbs. Assistant editor at Business2Business magazine.
Lithium718 (Luis Salazar) Lives: Millersville. From NYC; student and athlete at Millersville University.
loribaer (Lori Baer) Lives: Willow Street. Freelance writer and food blogger.
Paula_Holzman (Paula Holzman) Lives: New Holland. Reporter for Central Penn Business Journal. Covers health care and nonprofits in the midstate as well as business in general in Lancaster County.
dotcomlarry (Larry Tomlinson) Lives: Lancaster suburbs. Missionary who works with Internet and media.
passionategreen (Sarah Bloom) Lives: Lancaster. Runs PassionateGreen.
Dianehere (Diane Moore) Lives: East Hempfield. Interested in conservative issues and local networking. Does web content writing on the side.
veraviolet (Michelle McGovern) Lives: Leola. Administrative staff for the Lancaster Symphony Orchestra.
kemics (Matt Groff) Lives: Marietta. IT consultant
ritawiebner & Wiebner (Rita & Joel Wiebner) Live: Lancaster city. Co-owners of The Wiebners, wedding and portrait photographers.
lholubec (Lauren Holubec) Lives: Ephrata. Public relations consultant with the Lebanon County Career & Technology Center and freelancer.
ranzino (Brian Evans) Lives: Lititz. Organizer of the Lancaster Photography Meetup.
caroldeckert (Carol Deckert) Lives: Centerville. Netweaving/networking coach.
MickeyGlick (Mickey Glick) Lives: Lancaster city. Owner of Body & Soul Fitness Studio.
kharzinski (Kristofer Harzinski) Lives: Lancaster City. Curator extraordinaire for the Hand-Drawn Map Association.
justashcraft (Justin Ashcraft) Lives: Manheim. Blogger and music fan.
jurina (Al Jurina) Lives: downtown Lancaster city. Educator/technology coordinator and photographer.
GarrettFaber (Garrett Faber) Lives: downtown Lancaster city.
kateloving (Kate Loving Shenk) Lives: Lancaster, on the banks of the Conestoga River. Nurse, healer, and community organizer for single-payer universal healthcare legislation in Pennsylvania.
IJLIFE (Linda Espenshade) Lives: Lancaster suburbs. Freelance writer.
tommurse (Tom Murse) Lives: Lancaster city. Reporter & blogger at the Lancaster New Era.
infolibrarian (Mardy McGaw) Lives: Hempfield. Classrooms for the Future coach at Conestoga Valley School District, member of the Discovery Educators Network, and student of the intersection of information technology and education.
krishaM (Krisha Martzall) Lives: downtown Lancaster city. Professional photographer.
getfreshdesigns (Doug Vogel) Lives: Manheim. Maker of offbeat T-shirts.
jeremywalter (Jeremy Walter) Lives: Lancaster. Financial adviser.
karmapolice63 (Pete Crain) Lives: Willow Street & West Chester, PA. Guitar and music composition undergraduate student.
chetwill (Chet Williamson) Lives: Elizabethtown. Particularly terse writer-actor guy.
godesignunit (Nick Setthachayanon, Nida Setthachayanon, & Jeronimo Herrera) Offices: downtown Lancaster city. Together they are the Go Design Unit, a multidisciplinary design, branding, and advertising firm.
teamccloud (Jeff McCloud) Lives: Elizabethtown. Communications professional and family man.
justincarroll (Justin Carroll) Lives: Lancaster. Founder of 3Circle Studio, interactive design and development.
regularsm (Sean McDermott) Lives: Lancaster city. Production technician at LCBC.
AaronsBooks (Sam Dickinson) Location: Lititz. Owner of Lancaster County independent bookstore.
KidsAndCultures (Timm Wenger) Lives: Lancaster city. Co-founder of Kids and Cultures, a non-profit educational organization that introduces children to world cultures.
pameppinette (Pam Eppinette) Lives: Ephrata. Personal development and leadership coach. Independent distributor for LocalAdLink and Team Monavie.
jasethegr81 (Jason Hean) Lives: Washington Boro. Marketing professional.
sandersonimages & kimSanderson (John & Kimberly Sanderson) Live: Strasburg; Studio: downtown Lancaster city. Phtographers specializing in artististic wedding and portrait photography.
ArtistInn (Bruce and Jan Garrabrandt) Live: Terre Hill. Innkeeper-artist proprietor team of The Artist’s Inn and Gallery.
dougdan24 (Douglas Dandridge) Lives:Lancaster. Assistant director of technology at Hempfield School District.
emoui (Emily Fowler) Lives: Ephrata. RN, bookworm, animal lover.
sdillow (Scott Dillow) Lives: West Hempfield. Architect and partner at Risk Design Solutions, LLC.
NeilRhen (Neil Rhen) Lives: Lebanon. Salesperson for Executive Printing in Elm, PA.
Im_Just_Bryan (Bryan Crawford) Lives: Lancaster. Activities are pretty clear from the Twitter accounts.
bawillders (Barbara Willders) Live in Lititz. Independant Consultant with Arbonne.
cshontz (Chris Shontz) Lives: local transient. Nxtbook Media developer.
BestRoofer (Joe Heidler) Lives: Lancaster. Roofing contractor in the trade for 30 years.
brix11 (Tim Brixius) Lives: Maytown. Works for Franklin & Marshall College.
squareonecoffee (Jess & Josh) Shop: downtown Lancaster city. Coffee-makers extraordinaire and owners of Square One Coffee.
patrickleaman (Patrick Leaman) Lives/works: Lancaster & Reading. Veteran in the telecom industry.
pacrafts (Nick Mohler) Location: downtown Lancaster city. Program director of the Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen.
figlancaster (Fig editorial team) Distributed: downtown Lancaster city. Print periodical featuring shopping, dining, and entertainment in Lancaster city.
IamWJC (Joel Cornett) Lives/Works: Landenberg/Gap. Blogs about theology and church.
hotzpizza (Hot-Z Pizza) Location: Columbia. The lowdown on specials and events.
HOPEtweets (Kevin Tordoff, of HOPE International) Location: Lancaster suburbs. Christian microfinance network partnering with the working poor in 14 countries.
kstadden (Ken Stadden) Lives: Mountville area. Blogger, writer, editor, and web developer, working with designer and brother Jeff Stadden at Stadden Design. Off hours, bicycle rider and defender of rusting ’88 Dodge Raiders everywhere.
waltgoshert (Walt Goshert) Lives: Ephrata area. Online business community builder for Golf geek.
kperrien (Kara Perrien) Lives: Millersville area. Stay-at-home mother of two, expecting a third, loves being crafty, digital scrapping and teaching home preschool.
jedburkholder (Jed Burkholder) Lives: Lancaster city. Student, father, and editor for We Are Lancaster.
PaDutchTravel (Wendy Aston) Lives: York County. Pennsylvania Dutch travel guide and authority on visiting and touring the area.
jjpk (Jason Klinger) Lives: Northwest Lancaster city. Director of publications at Franklin & Marshall College.
jeffmarsico (Jeff Marsico) Lives: Elizabethtown. Bank consultant, husband, confused father of two girls.
RedRoseSegTours (Bob Stauffer) Lives: New Holland. Fully-narrated, guided Segway tours of downtown Lancaster.
nealkerickson (Neal Erickson) Lives: York, works in Lancaster city. PHP developer at Sharp Innovations.
newstreetjohn (John Walker) Lives: Lancaster city. Marketing guy focused on digital.
danielklotz (that’s me) Lives: Lancaster city. Does SEO as Evident.
donnyspi (Don Spidell) Lives: Dauphin County, works in Lancaster city. Senior systems administrator at Nxtbook Media.
kentcourtney (Kent Courtney) Lives: Hanover, PA. Multimedia producer for
mamafitz (Beth Anne) Lives: Hershey—but she grew up in Lancaster County, so we’ll let her count as a Lancastrian.
adamthemiller (Adam Miller) Lives: York—but works in Lancaster City as Flash/graphic designer at Nxtbook Media.
hearsmusic (Amanda Stauffer) Lives: Harrisburg—but she was originally a Lancastrian. IT guru.
I keep this page as up-to-date and useful as possible. If you are willing to let me include you in this list of Lancaster County Twitter users, or if you have additions or changes, please complete the form below. I do ask that your Twitter account is complete with bio, location and photo/avatar, and also that we are following each other so that we can direct message each other. If your Twitter account becomes inactive, I reserve the right to remove you from this list.
What a great list! I grew up in Lancaster, moved to NYC and now I live in Paris. My parents still live in Lancaster and I get back quite often. Nice to know so many Lancaster “tweeps” exist. 😉