I know a lot of you are concerned about last night’s massive fire that hit the 300 block of North Queen Street, the epicenter of Lancaster’s indie arts scene. So I grabbed a camera and walked over this morning.
I don’t have any new facts, just photos. For the full story, see the LancasterOnline article.
Everyone is free to use these photos for any purpose, and no need to ask me for permission or give me credit.
Oh, man! This is a shame. Hopefully, no one injured. Haven’t read the paper yet. I loved going to this store. Used to buy all kinds of things here to prepare for the “Blast From The Past” up at Mount Hope.
There are so many things that can’t be replaced in this store, its really sad.
Edit to add: Sorry to learn that the owner has been seriously injured. Sincere wishes for his complete recovery.
Thanks so much for posting the pictures and so generously allowing us to share them. They have gone to Rochester NY, Philly, and New Haven to very very shocked kids.
This is so sad and makes me want to cry. I read that the owner (Steve) was flown to a burn center. Running back into his store may not have been the smartest thing to do, but I certatinly can’t blame him. I probably would’ve done the same thing. Those items cannot be replaced. My heart goes out to him and his family.
Glenn, yes, Steve is definitely in all of our thoughts and prayers, even those of us who do not know him personaly.
Ceejay, in the face of disaster it’s always good to feel useful, so I’m very glad I could take these photos and that they have been helpful to people trying to get a handle on what went down.
Melissa, I know what you mean. In most fires, as long as no one is hurt, I think, “At least they can cover it with insurance.” But how could insurance money help recover all these irreplaceable items? So sad.
I used to visit the store years ago when I lived in Lancaster. The guys were always nice and had incredible items. I will keep them in my prayers.